{"id":667,"date":"2022-06-28T21:54:19","date_gmt":"2022-06-28T21:54:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/euroly.org\/?page_id=667"},"modified":"2023-03-24T17:15:24","modified_gmt":"2023-03-24T17:15:24","slug":"anti-corruption-ethics","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/euroly.org\/anti-corruption-ethics\/","title":{"rendered":"Anti-Corruption & Ethics"},"content":{"rendered":"
The Euro-Libyan Trade Center (hereinafter \u201cELTC\u201d) is a non-political trade and business promotion organization working to improve bilateral relations between Europe and Libya, incorporated in the United Kingdom under the No. 14141999, and the address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ.<\/p>\n
This Code aims to reflect the corporate values and the core principles that guide the actions of ELTC and the people who form the organization.<\/p>\n
The ELTC Code of Ethics and Conduct aims to implement models and guidelines for professional, ethical and socially responsible behaviour for the people of ELTC in carrying out their tasks.<\/p>\n
The scope of application of this Code covers the people who form the ELTC:<\/p>\n
3.1. Integrity. The people who form ELTC bear the responsibility of acting with integrity behaving honestly to generate trust in the organization based on transparency in management and on its communications with its associates, the general public and the organization\u2019s stakeholders.<\/p>\n
3.2. Innovation. ELTC is a business association that is committed to aggregating the interests of its members by developing their capacities in the context of innovation, improvement and networking.<\/p>\n
3.3. Management based on strictly professional and technical criteria.<\/p>\n
3.4. Respect for the environment. Respect and commitment to the environment is a priority for ELTC. Therefore, the organization minimizes the environmental impact of its actions, contributing to preserving and conserving biodiversity.<\/p>\n
3.5. People. The employees of ELTC are one of the organization\u2019s greatest assets. Therefore, the organization is committed to suitable, stable labour relationships within the framework of equal opportunities.<\/p>\n
4.1. Core principles of behaviour:<\/p>\n
4.1.1. Respect for the law<\/strong>. Everyone who works in ELTC shall maintain strict respect for current legislation in carrying out their professional activities.<\/p>\n 4.1.2. Ethical integrity<\/strong>. Professional and ethical integrity is a highly valuable asset for ELTC. Therefore, everyone must carry out their duties with objectivity, professionalism, and transparency.<\/p>\n 4.1.4. Respect for human rights<\/strong>. The actions of ELTC and the people who form it must scrupulously respect the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.<\/p>\n <\/strong><\/p>\n 4.2 Relationships with and between people:<\/p>\n 4.2.1. Work environment and respect for people<\/strong>. ELTC strives to create work environments governed by trust and respect for people\u2019s dignity, politeness, and teamwork. ELTC expressly prohibits any abuse of authority, as well as any other behaviour that could create an intimidating or hostile work environment.\u00a0Everyone in ELTC must contribute to keeping a pleasant, meaningful, and safe work environment that encourages people to give the best of themselves. Consequently, all employees have the obligation and duty to treat their co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates respectfully, and must contribute to maintaining a harassment-free workplace.<\/p>\n 4.2.2. Labour rights<\/strong>. ELTC is committed to defending, respecting, and protecting basic labour rights, the human rights and civil liberties recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the Ten Principles set out in the United Nations Global Compact. For that purpose, ELTC does not employ, nor will it employ, whether directly or indirectly, any type of child or forced labour.<\/p>\n 4.2.4 Equal opportunities and non-discrimination<\/strong>. ELTC ensures equal opportunities and is committed to providing the means to help its entire staff in their personal and professional development. Likewise, ELTC does not allow any type of discrimination for reasons of gender, race, sexual orientation, religious creed, political ideology, public opinion, nationality, social origin, disability, or any other circumstance that may give rise to discrimination.<\/p>\n 4.2.4. Work-life balance<\/strong>. ELTC believes that the overall development of its employees is positive both for the employees and for the organization. ELTC therefore promotes Family Friendly Policies aimed at fostering a balance between its employees\u2019 family\/personal and professional responsibilities.<\/p>\n 4.2.5. Occupational hazard prevention<\/strong>. ELTC considers the occupational health and safety of its staff to be a fundamental condition to achieve a safe, comfortable workplace. Ongoing improvement of the work conditions is thus a priority objective. For this reason, the entire staff must know and rigorously comply with the health and safety regulations established by the organization and all employees have the right and duty to report any situation that puts the health and safety of employees at risk.<\/p>\n 4.2.6. Confidentiality<\/strong>. In general, everyone who is bound by this code must maintain professional secrecy regarding the non-public data or information that they become aware of due to carrying out their duties or due to their relationship with ELTC.<\/p>\n 4.2.7. Information security<\/strong>.\u00a0Preserving the security of the information sent and received is important for ELTC. The organization has thus implemented the appropriate measures to guarantee the confidentiality of information, prevent information leaks or losses, uphold the integrity of information, and ensure its availability to authorized individuals.<\/p>\n \n 4.3. Relationships with third parties<\/p>\n 4.3.1. Brand and image of the organization<\/strong>. ELTC considers that its most important assets are its brand, image, and corporate reputation. All its employees must thus ensure that their behaviour does not damage the image and reputation of ELTC.<\/p>\n 4.3.2. Quality of service, customer service and fair competition<\/strong>. ELTC constantly aims to improve its offer and the quality of its services, as well as to establish relationships built on trust and mutual respect with its partner companies.<\/p>\n 4.3.4. Relationships with suppliers<\/strong>. All processes for selecting suppliers will be implemented under the terms of impartiality and objectivity. Relationships may not be established with suppliers that break the law or the core principles set forth in this Code of Ethics.<\/p>\n 4.3.4. Conflicts of interest<\/strong>. ELTC considers loyalty an essential value. This value is incompatible with employees undertaking other entrepreneurial or professional activities that may be influenced by other interests (whether personal or economic) which come into conflict with their responsibilities as ELTC employees.<\/p>\n 4.3.5. Environmental protection<\/strong>. ELTC is strongly committed to protecting and respecting the environment, and all its personnel must protect and respect the environment, mitigating negative environmental impacts and working with the highest level of energy efficiency.<\/p>\n 4.3.6. Anti-corruption and anti-bribery<\/strong>. ELTC is opposed to unethical practices intended to unduly influence the action and will of people to obtain benefits of any kind. Consequently, no employee may request or accept bribes, or offer benefits to third parties who represent any organization (whether public or private) to obtain favours or to carry out business, regardless of its nature. Employees must report any instances of corruption that may come to their knowledge through the duly established channels.<\/p>\n 4.3.7. Data privacy<\/strong>. ELTC strives to ensure the proper processing and use of the information which is obtained based on carrying out the organization\u2019s activity, in particular personal data. ELTC complies with the regulations set forth in the United Kingdom.<\/p>\n 4.3.8. Responsible communication<\/strong>. Communication transmitted to associates, the general public and stakeholders must be fair, true and honest. It must not undermine the dignity of people, nor may it contain messages that incite others to commit illegal acts. ELTC ensures that its communication is coherent with the organization’s values, respectful to personal privacy, transparent and sustainable.<\/p>\n 4.3.9. Unfair competition<\/strong>. ELTC rigorously complies with all the guidelines set in the United Kingdom on Unfair Competition. In this sense, ELTC flatly rejects acts that may deceive or cause confusion, misleading omissions, aggressive practices, acts of denigration, comparison, and imitation, as well as behaviours contrary to the requirements of good faith.<\/p>\n Compliance with the principles and criteria of action contained in this Code of Ethics and Conduct is mandatory. ELTC is committed to communicating and informing all its members of the content of this Code of Ethics, which is available on the ELTC webpage. The new members that become part of ELTC must have the opportunity to learn the values, principles and conduct guidelines set forth in this Code of Ethics.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n This Anti-Corruption Compliance Policy (the \u201cPolicy\u201d) represents a part of commitment of the ELTC to conducting our business ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws wherever we operate. ELTC is committed to strict compliance with the regulation on preventing and fighting against corruption. The organization has implemented the principles included in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, extending compliance with the Code not only to all the organization\u2019s employees but also to its business partners.<\/p>\n As a supporter of the United Nations Global Compact, ELTC is committed to complying with the Ten Principles established in said Compact, which involves working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery (Principle no. 10).<\/p>\n As a statement of compliance with these principles, the Board of Directors has approved this Policy, which must be understood as an essential tool to prevent ELTC as well as the other parties who fall within the scope of application of this Policy from engaging in behaviours that may be contrary not only to regulatory provisions, but also, where appropriate, to the aforementioned core principles of action. For this reason, this Policy regulates the actions, indicating those which are prohibited regardless of whether they are carried out directly or indirectly through another person.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n This Policy is applicable to ELTC, to all its employees and, to the extent that it involves their relationships with ELTC, to the members of the Board of Directors. All these individuals must know and comply with the policy. ELTC will encourage its suppliers to follow codes of conduct and values similar to those established in this Policy.<\/p>\n Agents (ELTC Agents)<\/strong>: Agents, distributors, consultants, representatives, independent contractors, joint venture partners, intermediaries, and other third parties engaged by the Company that have the authority to represent the Company before other parties, including but not limited to government entities.<\/p>\n Anything of value<\/strong>: The term \u201cAnything of Value\u201d is broad and can include any item of monetary value, including, but not limited to, the following:<\/p>\n Bribery<\/strong>: Bribery involves offering money, gifts or favours to an authority or public servant in exchange for their carrying out or neglecting to carry out an act inherent to their position, or to encourage them to unduly delay an act that they must carry out.<\/p>\n Corruption in business<\/strong>: Offering, promising, granting, receiving, requesting, or accepting a non-justified benefit, for oneself or for a third party, to unduly favour another in purchasing or selling goods, in contracting services or in business relationships.<\/p>\n Extortion<\/strong>: Extortion is any profit-seeking action that obligates another party, through violence or intimidation, to carry out or neglect to carry out a legal act or business to the detriment of their interests or those of a third party.<\/p>\n Employees (ELTC Employees)<\/strong>: Individuals engaged in long-term or temporary labour relationships with the Company who have concluded a contract of a civil law character with the Company and contractors hired by the Company with the engagement of outside organizations dealing with the supply of personnel.<\/p>\n Governmental entity<\/strong>: Any bodies of any national, regional, local or other government, including but not limited to state ministries and offices, services, agencies and their structural subdivisions, as well as all legal entities directly or indirectly controlled by the state as well as the judiciary. For purposes of this Policy, the term comprises also political parties and international organizations.<\/p>\n Government official<\/strong>: Any employee or officer of a Governmental Entity, as well as any other individual or legal entity acting at the proposal, request, or instruction, or in the interests of a Governmental Entity.<\/p>\n Gift<\/strong>: In a broad sense, a gift in this policy includes any gift per se, as well as souvenirs, benefits, favours, free items or any other physical or monetary donation which has a value of over 150 Euros.<\/p>\n Improper Advantage<\/strong>: improper payment made in a business context, such as (but not limited to) paying or giving Anything of Value to a Government Official or private individual or entity, directly or indirectly, in order to:<\/p>\n United Nations Global Compact<\/strong>: A voluntary initiative of corporate citizenship that encourages companies to endorse, support and put into practice a set of fundamental values regarding Human Rights, Labour Standards, the Environment, and the Fight against Corruption, which are embodied in 10 principles.<\/p>\n The ELTC is committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical standards in the conduct of its business.<\/p>\n The ELTC does not accept any forms of corruption on the part of private individuals or Government Officials. The ELTC does not participate in any forms of unethical incentivizing or payments.<\/p>\n The ELTC does not engage in, nor does it accept any activity which does not comply with this Policy or with Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws.<\/p>\n The ELTC, ELTC Employees, and ELTC Agents are forbidden to offer, promise, approve, engage or authorize, directly or through an intermediary, in the transfer of Anything of Value to any Government Official or an agent or employee of a commercial organization with the purpose of influencing his or her actions (or ensuring inaction) and\/or obtaining improper commercial advantage.<\/p>\n The ELTC, ELTC Employees, and ELTC Agents are forbidden to give consent to the obtainment or to obtain, solicit or otherwise receive, directly or through an intermediary, any payments in the form of money, securities, other property, render services of a property-related nature, grant other property-related rights or any other valuables, as well as any financial or other benefit or advantage or Anything of Value, if a condition for the obtainment of such payments, benefits or advantages is the commission of actions, the fulfilment of official duties in the interests of the giving party, as well as if these payments, benefits or advantages constitute remuneration, direct or indirect, for the fulfilment of such duties.<\/p>\n The ELTC, ELTC Employees, and ELTC Agents are forbidden to act as intermediaries in public or private bribery, i.e., to directly hand over bribes at the instruction of a bribe giver or bribe taker, or in some other way to assist in the achievement or realization of agreement between them to receive and give a bribe.<\/p>\n This Policy constitutes the ELTC\u2019s basic document in the area of Anti-Corruption Compliance; however, it is not invoked to implement exhaustive rules of conduct for Employees and Agents of the ELTC. Other internal documents are currently in force in the ELTC, and will be introduced in the future, on matters relating to Anti-Corruption Compliance to the extent that the ELTC shall deem to be necessary and sufficient for compliance with Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws. In the event of a conflict between this Policy and other ELTC policies, Employees must apply the more restrictive policy or procedure. In such case, please notify the Compliance Manager so that he or she can promptly address the conflict, advise you about any appropriate steps to take and, if necessary, update the relevant policy or procedure.<\/p>\n The ELTC’s management must through its conduct set a standard of ethical behavior and, by their personal example, form an uncompromising attitude among the Employees and Agents of the ELTC to any forms and manifestations of corruption, which must become an inalienable part of the corporate culture and everyday business practices of the ELTC.<\/p>\n 4.1. Consistency in application of the Policy<\/strong>:\u00a0<\/p>\n The ELTC consistently implements the rules and principles specified by this Policy and other policies of the ELTC in the area of Anti-Corruption Compliance. The ELTC propagates the principles of ethical business conduct and motivates the ELTC Employees and Agents to comply with this Policy. In the event of a breach of the rules of Anti-Corruption Compliance by ELTC Employees and Agents, the ELTC shall apply the relevant liability measures to them.<\/p>\n 4.2. Monitoring of legislation and best practices in the area of compliance<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC persistently follows all amendments to the normative requirements of Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws and to the practice of applying it. Taking into consideration the results of that monitoring, and based on the best practices of Anti-Corruption Compliance, the ELTC takes measures to introduce the amendments into its current policies.<\/p>\n 4.3. Periodic risk assessment<\/strong>:<\/p>\n On a regular basis, the ELTC undertakes measures to bring to light and reduce corruption-related risks, and also measures to assess the efficiency of the current system of Anti-Corruption Compliance.<\/p>\n Taking into account the results of carrying out these measures, and in case of appropriate necessity, the ELTC will amend existing policies or develop and introduce additional policies. The measures undertaken must match the character of the risks discovered in a reasonable and proportional way.<\/p>\n 4.4. Informing and training:<\/strong><\/p>\n A copy of this Policy will be given to every director, officer, and employee of the ELTC and to contract workers engaged directly or through third-party staffing arrangements. All updates to the Policy will be circulated internally. The Policy will also be made available via the ELTC website.<\/p>\n Independently or with the engagement of outside specialists in the area of Anti-Corruption Compliance, the ELTC implements and supports a training program for ELTC Employees and Agents in the principles and standards of Anti-Corruption Compliance, works out a system of training sessions, and maintains training materials in an up-to-date condition.<\/p>\n 4.5. Appointment of a responsible employee<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC shall appoint an employee whose official duties consist of implementing this Policy and the other policies of the ELTC on matters related to Anti-Corruption Compliance (the “Compliance Manager”).<\/p>\n The Compliance Manager is directly subordinate to the ELTC’s General Director and is endowed with the powers and resources necessary for effective implementation, maintenance and improvement of the system of Anti-Corruption Compliance in the ELTC.<\/p>\n In the event that any Employee of the ELTC has questions concerning the content of this Policy, including questions of interpretation of any of its provisions, as well as doubts as to the legality or ethical character of his or her actions, the application and realization of the principles of compliance indicated in this Policy, including questions related to the applicability of such principles in this or that situation or business process of the ELTC, the Employee shall be obligated to contact the Compliance Manager for advice.<\/p>\n In the event that an Agent of the ELTC has these questions, it is recommended to ask the Compliance Manager of the ELTC for clarifications.<\/p>\n 4.6. Reporting of the Compliance Manager<\/strong>:<\/p>\n On a regular basis, and also as needed, the Compliance Manager shall report to the General Director of the ELTC about the process of implementing and\/or improving the system of Anti-Corruption Compliance, about any violations uncovered during the reporting period, internal investigations undertaken, deficiencies of the internal compliance controls and the measures taken in connection with this, as well as about the general status of functioning and efficiency of the Anti-Corruption Compliance system in the ELTC.<\/p>\n The Compliance Manager shall also report on the aforementioned issues to Chief Compliance Manager of the ELTC.<\/p>\n 4.7. Forming and upholding the ELTC’s reputation<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC shall apply reasonable efforts to ensure that persons about whom it is known that they are involved or have been involved in illegal activities will not be admitted to managerial positions or allowed to join the ELTC’s management bodies.<\/p>\n The ELTC’s management bears liability for the maintenance and efficiency of the corporate system of Anti-Corruption Compliance as a whole, and also for ensuring the implementation and execution of controls and procedures of the Anti-Corruption Compliance system in the areas of its functional competence.<\/p>\n ELTC Employees, irrespective of the position they hold, are personally liable for observance of the principles and requirements of this Policy and the Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws, as well as for the actions (inactions) of the persons subordinate to them who violate these principles and requirements.<\/p>\n 5.1. Contractual compliance controls<\/strong>:<\/p>\n In the cases designated by the ELTC’s policies, contracts entered into by the ELTC with third parties must envisage the obligations of those parties to observe the Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws (the anti-corruption clause), according to the wordings approved by the ELTC. Furthermore, the contracts must specify the right of the ELTC to effect immediate unilateral termination in the event of a breach of the obligations specified by the anti-corruption clause.<\/p>\n In the cases designated by the ELTC’s policies, contracts which the ELTC enters into with third parties likewise must envisage the right of the ELTC to carry out an audit of financial and other documentation pertaining to the implementation of the relevant contract.<\/p>\n 5.2. Due diligence of business partners and Employees<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC shall apply reasonable efforts to minimize risks associated with interaction with any third parties, including business, labour and any other relationships with individuals or legal entities.<\/p>\n For this purpose, the ELTC has developed and maintains procedures for inspection in relation to Employees and business partners (legal entities and individuals), and with whom the ELTC plans to enter into a contract. In addition, the ELTC carries out periodical due diligence of business partners with which it has entered into long-term contracts (lasting longer than one year).<\/p>\n The due diligence procedure in respect of the business partners and Employees has the following goals:<\/p>\n Any Anti-Corruption Compliance red flags raised during the course of the due diligence review must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Compliance Manager before formally entering into, or continuing, the relationship.<\/p>\n The statements in this clause 4.2 of the Policy extend also to contractors under transactions for merger, acquisition, or creation of joint ventures, and so forth. Moreover, also subject to due diligence are legal entities, ownership stakes or rights of control (direct or indirect) of which the ELTC acquires as a result of the transaction.<\/p>\n 5.3. Gifts and hospitality expenses<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC\u2019s business decisions and those of its partners must be made objectively, without influence by gifts or favours. A small, reasonably priced gift or gesture of gratitude may sometimes be an appropriate way for business people to display respect for each other. Nevertheless, regardless of value, the giving or receipt of a gift, meal, entertainment, or other hospitality benefit must not be done with the intent to improperly influence a Government Official or any other party doing business with the ELTC.<\/p>\n Any gifts and hospitality expenses of the ELTC (gifts which Employees and Agents of the ELTC may give on behalf of and\/or at the expense of the ELTC to other individuals or legal entities, or which Employees, in connection with their work at the ELTC, may receive from other parties, as well as the corresponding hospitality expenses) must be in conformity with the following criteria:<\/p>\n The indicated criteria shall also be applied to expenses on organization on behalf and\/or at the expense of the ELTC of events aimed at attraction, retention or development of clients, as well as events related to communicating with the public, the mass media, and professional society.<\/p>\n Before the completion of any payment or donation of any gift in an amount exceeding 150 Euros to any third party, including to a Government Official, on behalf and\/or at the expense of the ELTC, the Employee must contact the Compliance Manager and provide detailed information about the proposed gift or other paid expenses in order to receive confirmation about the legality and admissibility of such payment or gift. Symbolic gifts, such as pens or calendars bearing the ELTC’s logo, do not require the prior approval of the Compliance Manager.<\/p>\n The Compliance Managers shall be entitled to block transfer of the gift or payment of expenses if he or she establishes that such actions do not comply with the criteria set forth above, or create risks of violation of Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws for the ELTC.<\/p>\n It is not permitted to give gifts on behalf of the ELTC, Employees and Agents of the ELTC to any third parties in the form of monetary funds, whether cash or not, as well as any of their equivalents (for example, checks, gift cards, securities and so forth). Also, as a general rule, it is never permissible to pay for air fare and travel for spouses, other family members or other guests of Government Officials.<\/p>\n Employees are entitled to accept small gifts and payment of hospitality expenses of modest value from third parties with which the Employees interact in the course of work for the ELTC, subject to the following conditions:<\/p>\n 5.4. Retaining Government Officials<\/strong>:<\/p>\n It may be justified to retain a current or former Government Official as an Employee or a business partner of the ELTC. However, doing so must be handled with caution. Such relationships must be structured so that they meet the requirements of the Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws and other applicable laws of relevant jurisdictions, and must not create a conflict of interest for the Government Official. No such relationship may be negotiated or agreed to without the prior approval of the Compliance Manager.<\/p>\n 5.5. Sponsorship and corporate social responsibility<\/strong>:<\/p>\n In accordance with this Policy and other implemented procedures, the ELTC does not finance and does not participate in any other form in charitable and\/or sponsorship activities for the purpose of receiving any illegal privileges or preferences in connection with business activity.<\/p>\n All of the ELTC’s financial operations associated with sponsorship or charitable activity are recorded in detail and in a trustworthy manner in the accounting records; the project being realized undergo coordination in advance; the monitoring procedures for charitable contributions allow one to be convinced with a reasonable degree of certainty that the contributions made do not constitute a concealed form of bribery.<\/p>\n Before the ELTC or an Employee of the ELTC makes on behalf and\/or at the expense of the ELTC any donation for an amount greater than 150 Euros, it is necessary to consult with the Compliance Manager, who is entitled to block payment after performing the appropriate due diligence for compliance with Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws.<\/p>\n 5.6. Financing of political activity<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC does not finance and does not support or encourage in any other way political parties or members thereof, including candidates for political positions, their election campaigns or political events, nor any political organizations or movements.<\/p>\n 5.7. Payments through intermediaries in favour of third parties<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The ELTC, its Employees and Agents are forbidden to engage any third parties for the commission of any actions that contravene the principles and requirements of this Policy or the standards of Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws.<\/p>\n The ELTC, its Employees and Agents are forbidden to make payments in favour of third parties, if there exists suspicion that all or part of this payment will be used to bribe a Government Official or an agent or employee of a commercial organization.<\/p>\n The ELTC ensures inspection of the reasonability and justification of payments or any other provisions to third parties for the prevention and\/or discovery of the violations described above for purposes of minimizing the risks of involving the ELTC in corrupt activities. All commercial relationships with third-party intermediaries must be approved by the Compliance Manager, and all relationships must be put in the form of a written agreement.<\/p>\n 5.8. Facilitating Payments<\/strong>:<\/p>\n The Policy prohibits \u201cfacilitating payments,\u201d i.e., unofficial payments provided in order to receive or expedite (speed up) a routine government action, i.e., actions which are ordinarily and commonly performed by Government Officials (e.g., processing governmental papers, such as permits, visas, etc.).<\/p>\n 5.9. Books and records<\/strong>:<\/p>\n It is not allowed to conclude on behalf of the ELTC any transactions with fraudulent intent or with knowledge of the fact that the transaction or payment differs from the description in the documents confirming or justifying the transaction or payment.<\/p>\n For implementation of this prohibition, all financial operations, accounting postings and entries must be credibly recorded with a sufficient level of detail in the ELTC’s books and records, and be documented and accessible for inspection.<\/p>\n Any payments to the third-party Agents should be made to bank accounts held by such Agent in the country in which the relevant goods or services were provided or the country where the Agent is registered. Any expenses for which reimbursement is requested by an Employee or Agent of the ELTC, as well as any expenses of the ELTC performed using cash resources, must be confirmed in documentary form using proper primary documentation, including original receipts, invoices or other relevant documents. Any requests for expense reimbursements must be approved by the supervisor of the Employee requesting payment.<\/p>\n 5.10. Informing about violations<\/strong>:<\/p>\n Every Employee and Agent of the ELTC who has become aware of facts (or of signs pointing to them) regarding a violation or inclination to violate the provisions of this Policy and\/or Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws by Employees or Agents of the ELTC, as well as by third parties, must inform about it in any of the following ways:<\/p>\n In addition, the ELTC guarantees that none of its Employees will be held responsible (by being dismissed, demoted, deprived of a bonus, and so forth) by the ELTC if the Employee reported the presumed corruption in good faith, or if the Employee refused to give or take a bribe or render mediation in acts of bribery, including if such refusal results in foregone profit for the ELTC, or no commercial or competitive advantages were gained. Retaliation may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.<\/p>\n The ELTC’s guarantees to refuse to hold Employees accountable do not extend to guilty Employees, nor to cases when an internal investigation proves that the report in question was deliberately false, or constituted perjury or libel.<\/p>\n Inasmuch as the ELTC may be held liable for the participation of Employees and Agents of the ELTC and other parties associated with it in corrupt activities, for each justified suspicion or established instance of corruption, internal investigations will be undertaken in accordance with the ELTC’s rules establishing the procedure for carrying out such an investigation in a context permitted by applicable legislation.<\/p>\n Parties guilty of breaching this Policy and of Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws may face disciplinary, administrative, civil law or criminal liability at the initiative of the ELTC, the law enforcement authorities, or other entities in the procedure and on the grounds specified by the ELTC’s Charter, internal procedures, and also in the appropriate cases and given sufficient grounds, in accordance with Applicable Anti-Corruption Laws and other applicable laws and regulations.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n Any behaviour that may constitute extortion, corruption, or bribery (including facilitation payments) is expressly prohibited, even in the event that the behaviour does not aim to obtain any undue benefit.<\/p>\n The ELTC strongly rejects and prohibits facilitation payments: which are payments to induce officials to perform routine functions they are otherwise obligated to perform, are bribes.<\/p>\n The ELTC does not finance and does not support or encourage in any other way political parties or members thereof, including candidates for political positions, their election campaigns or political events, nor any political organizations or movements. Furthermore, the ELTC will remain autonomous from political influences and does not have any political affiliations.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n Libya is a good place to do business \u2013 where foreign companies and individuals enjoy full protection and guarantees.<\/p>\n<\/div>\nANTI-CORRUPTION COMPLIANCE POLICY<\/strong><\/h2>\n
2. DEFINITIONS<\/h4>\n
6. LIABILITY<\/h4>\n
Doing Business in Libya<\/h3>\n